Brad Sullivan

Tech Founder Patrick Parker Possesses All the Right Skills To Scale a Business

 Momentum – that’s what Patrick Parker believes to be the ultimate secret to building a successful business. And that’s where…

2 years ago

4 Habits That Adds Great Value and Energy to the Life of Metabolic Mentor, Vince Pitstick

Vince Pitstick, also known as the Metabolic Mentor, is a renown figure in the health & fitness industry. When it…

2 years ago

Arthur Baranovskiy Strives to Help Future Engineers to Make a Positive Impact on Humanity

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others — Ayn Rand.…

2 years ago

Content Creator Jason Borkland Raises His Voice for the Voiceless and Urges the World to End Whale Hunting

When it comes to raising a voice for the voiceless creatures under and above the sea, there is no better…

3 years ago